it is pouring rain here. i am listening . i am reflecting . i am unclear .
we each hold responsibility, for our words . our actions . ourself
i often ask why. i almost always ask why. i am not afraid to ask myself what part i hold in any of this. but when you can't communicate with another you are missing part of the solution.
whew...i can't believe that we are already well into july. summer is half over and i haven't even started.
there are some new happy things coming to the camp. new marketing pieces, new blog look and a new shop on the way. hoping that a re-focus will put me back on track to goodness.
i am sending out three pieces to the squam art show in the next week. this makes me so happy and i am very honored to have been included again this year.
i look forward to setting my feet in the sand for my birthday week and hoping that the followng month i get to gather with more of the chickadees that i love and adore. to say that i am blessed is an understatement. i just wish you all lived next door./ once a year, isn't nearly enough.
another chickadee will be leaving the nest soon. the last few months have been crazy busy with the kids. bryce will soon be training for another marathon and the lovely miss c will be heading back to the hills of cali. just one chickadee left.
am i sad you ask, no...not at all. will this mean more time in the studio, well yes if i get off my ass and make it happen.
for any of you in the indy area, i want to pass along a bit of goodness. this past week i went to ado hair design, for a fresh style. danny worked his magic. my hair no longer looks or feels paper thin. he is such a fun guy. i will be going back for more. gives a wicked head rub too. and if you stop by, make sure to check out my artwork! they were so kind to let me hang some of my pieces there. they are top notch!
so with that, it is late . late . late and i need to hit the hay....ready for that new day.