happy blue skys....rocky mountain high
five happy things this sunday am.
one..just found out that boho girl is now a mama. oh happy day!
cedar leon is here finally. welcome to this crazy world little one.
[peace to the whole boho clan]
two..two fun productive sessions with missie. lots of giggling
over art pendants, scrabble tiles and her painfully slow computer.
seriously you need to upgrade child.
three..a surprise call from girl liz, who i adore and how constantly
reminds me that five really good things are even better reminders
of the gifts i am given each day.
four..my three cherubs and hubby who are the lights that brighten
up my world.
five..the polaroid that was gifted to me by this chick and this chickies
new artwork that i am drooling over and hoping to soon be hanging.
i am truly blessed with such kind, giving girlies in my life, along with
a husband that is strong enough to give me space, understanding and loves to laugh at my crazy brain, many days. three cherubs who are
all grown up and still hug me most days, laughs at my silliness and
say's "i need to talk. two adorable pooches and a warm big studio
that i so love.
in case i don't post before thursday....happy thanksgiving to each
of you. maybe you find peace this week. the crazy holidays are
upon us!