heather ashley, glittery . fun . bubbly.
2 friends::creating, supporting and cheering on
6 weeks::mermies galore keep us both on track
2 daughters who love coming up with names
3 descriptive words for each mermie
so we had to skip a week and take a little vaca, but
we are back with mermie no. 5. these has been so
much fun. i am not sure if my version is glitterly
but bubbly yes.
i still get so happy waiting for danielle to send me
her newest creation. i have to say, this little challenge
has really kept me on my toes in the creating dept. just
what my a.d.d. brain needs.
6 weeks::mermies galore keep us both on track
2 daughters who love coming up with names
3 descriptive words for each mermie
so we had to skip a week and take a little vaca, but
we are back with mermie no. 5. these has been so
much fun. i am not sure if my version is glitterly
but bubbly yes.
i still get so happy waiting for danielle to send me
her newest creation. i have to say, this little challenge
has really kept me on my toes in the creating dept. just
what my a.d.d. brain needs.
we double dog dare ya, to come up with your
little mermie..
little mermie..