look who i found!.....if you click the postcard it will take you to 6 really sweet chicks. i have followed 5 of the ladies for over a year, met two of them and bent their ears. and have been blessed by the art that each on puts her soul into. they are some happy girlys......
if you are in L.A. the 10th of february, go to the show for me.
The Girly Show - One Night Only February 10th - 4-11pm
mixed media 8x24 inches acrylics, oil crayons, silver leaf and papers on 1.5in deep canvas. black finished sides
signed and ready to hang
i have found a really sweet site through my girl christine miller. i am amazed at the talent and pure happiness that i have come upon through other sites. marisa haedike is one of those sweet chicks. she allows you to not only view her art, but she provides so many artisitc outlets.
i have been catching up on her podcasts the last couple of weeks. tonight i finished a painting that has been sitting in the studio for eight months. simply because of fear, fear of not being accepted, good enough or no one "getting it".
thanks marisa for the gently shove down the hill....please visit her here.
while i am passing out kudos. she will be part of this.....the girly show!. six amazing artists Saturday, February 10th - One Night Only.