"You only ever have to do what you're capable of doing, kelly,
because by design, no matter how things appear, you'll always
have enough time to do it, you'll do even better than you would
have thought, and life will get even richer than you could
have imagined."
The Universe
do you tut? oh you really should. it is crazy how the daily
love fits. seriously - i have been feeling a bit frazzled, probably
from a craZy weekend. 3 days of a booth at the local strawberry
fest. saturday at 26 mile ride for diabetes, plus a hot day in the
booth, more on sunday and i am really missing my friends that are
sprawled out across the nation, on other coasts....i yearn to meet
up again in september.
i have so much to do. i have new baubles to make, new originals
to put in the shop, along with several vintage pendants and note
cards. i am working on three sets of wedding announcements. lots
of goodness.
life - richer than i could have imagined.
how rich are you....cmon - tell me.