she blooms....SOLD!
miz marisa of creative thursday
has tagged me in a "secret's of
dealing with adversity" podocast.
yesterday i had all these ideas
miz marisa of creative thursday
has tagged me in a "secret's of
dealing with adversity" podocast.
yesterday i had all these ideas
and thoughts that i was going
to share. but this afternoon...
i got a strong dose of displeasure
i got a strong dose of displeasure
and it made me take a more
honest look at how i deal with
unpleasant issues.
first let me say, i am a scorpio...
i am passionate, loyal and extremely
jealous in nature. i hate the jealous
one, i truly do. i am also moody.
so when i have to deal with one of
life's curve balls, some days, i am
pretty much embarrassed by what
transpires. i end up with a pouty
attitude, i slip into the woe is me
syndrome and why is this dark
honest look at how i deal with
unpleasant issues.
first let me say, i am a scorpio...
i am passionate, loyal and extremely
jealous in nature. i hate the jealous
one, i truly do. i am also moody.
so when i have to deal with one of
life's curve balls, some days, i am
pretty much embarrassed by what
transpires. i end up with a pouty
attitude, i slip into the woe is me
syndrome and why is this dark
cloud hanging over my head. now
i will say that these less than attractive
ways are generally saved back for
bad haircuts, leaky faucets/pipes and
lemon cars. if we have a major health
issue, family/friend emergency, then
i will say that these less than attractive
ways are generally saved back for
bad haircuts, leaky faucets/pipes and
lemon cars. if we have a major health
issue, family/friend emergency, then
i can step up and say this is life and we
will make it through. for me, my unattractive
dealings tend to be when it has to do withme
personally. i do tend to suffer from low
dealings tend to be when it has to do withme
personally. i do tend to suffer from low
self esteem, but as i get older, it last much
shorter spurts, of the woes. and in the creative
world, the less you take to heart the better.
i learned in college to take critiques and a
positive step, even the ugly ones. it is only
helpful to listen to feedback and use it in a
positive manner. please... for those of you reading
this and know me personallyyou don't need to
remind me of my short comings in this dept. i do
realize i am not 100%....but who is.
at the age of 21 i gave birth to a beautiful baby
girl. not only was i not married, but she was
bi-racial. recently a dear friend reminded me
of my courage and strength that i used while
raising her in a lilly white world. what most
people considered an adverse situation, i
considered only one thing, she was a godfilled
blessing, she was born -as we all are-
shorter spurts, of the woes. and in the creative
world, the less you take to heart the better.
i learned in college to take critiques and a
positive step, even the ugly ones. it is only
helpful to listen to feedback and use it in a
positive manner. please... for those of you reading
this and know me personallyyou don't need to
remind me of my short comings in this dept. i do
realize i am not 100%....but who is.
at the age of 21 i gave birth to a beautiful baby
girl. not only was i not married, but she was
bi-racial. recently a dear friend reminded me
of my courage and strength that i used while
raising her in a lilly white world. what most
people considered an adverse situation, i
considered only one thing, she was a godfilled
blessing, she was born -as we all are-
for a purpose.
2 years ago, i took a huge leap and some days
a huge pay cut, to start my little freelance studio.
in a career driven world....i take this as another
god filled blessing, that i am able to create on a
daily basis and get to be a full time mom to my kids,
who are proud of me. on days when checks aren't
coming in, i remind myself on the fact that - this is
my gift in life.
and most current days, when life shoves something
2 years ago, i took a huge leap and some days
a huge pay cut, to start my little freelance studio.
in a career driven world....i take this as another
god filled blessing, that i am able to create on a
daily basis and get to be a full time mom to my kids,
who are proud of me. on days when checks aren't
coming in, i remind myself on the fact that - this is
my gift in life.
and most current days, when life shoves something
seemingly unpleasant at me - i instantly think of
henry tucker and caroline harmon. if you take time
henry tucker and caroline harmon. if you take time
to think of what others are dealing with, our own
adversity doesn't really seem like adversity. of
course, i am not perfect, like i said i am a scorpio...
i have to work at this!
on a happy note, today [she blooms] sold. it was
really hard to part with her. she was my first
true "the girl" piece. i didn't like her at first, but
when i hung her on the hallway wall, next to the
studio, i fell in love, so when the buyer showed
interest i had to really suck it up and let her go.
but she has found a fun place to hang with a pretty
funky chick who carries warhol train bags....
see each thing that we meet in life is just a simple
lesson, a blessing and eventhough at the moment
- it may not seem to be, it is just that.
holy crapola...i just realized that i didn't tell you
what my strong dose was today! bryce suggested
that we go to the mac store to finally purchase a
laptop. yes, i am a designer and i live without a
laptop. so we toodled over to keystone at the crossing,
to give a look see. as we entered the doors, i looked and
bryce and said" what the hell is this". lawn chairs
strategically positioned in three straight rows and a
security guard. IPHONE....people sitting waiting for a
$600 phone. and then the bad news. mac store closed
for 4 hours to prepare for phone sales and then when
the reopen tonight, only phone sales...the wind left my
soul for a quick moment. as bryce laughed, i could
envision myself kicking him in the shins. so now i am
laughing about the lunacy of it all. at the moment,
i played the part of the victim, which i seem to do with
such grace! like veruca salt said.... "but daddy i want
it now!"
what is your secret?
adversity doesn't really seem like adversity. of
course, i am not perfect, like i said i am a scorpio...
i have to work at this!
on a happy note, today [she blooms] sold. it was
really hard to part with her. she was my first
true "the girl" piece. i didn't like her at first, but
when i hung her on the hallway wall, next to the
studio, i fell in love, so when the buyer showed
interest i had to really suck it up and let her go.
but she has found a fun place to hang with a pretty
funky chick who carries warhol train bags....
see each thing that we meet in life is just a simple
lesson, a blessing and eventhough at the moment
- it may not seem to be, it is just that.
holy crapola...i just realized that i didn't tell you
what my strong dose was today! bryce suggested
that we go to the mac store to finally purchase a
laptop. yes, i am a designer and i live without a
laptop. so we toodled over to keystone at the crossing,
to give a look see. as we entered the doors, i looked and
bryce and said" what the hell is this". lawn chairs
strategically positioned in three straight rows and a
security guard. IPHONE....people sitting waiting for a
$600 phone. and then the bad news. mac store closed
for 4 hours to prepare for phone sales and then when
the reopen tonight, only phone sales...the wind left my
soul for a quick moment. as bryce laughed, i could
envision myself kicking him in the shins. so now i am
laughing about the lunacy of it all. at the moment,
i played the part of the victim, which i seem to do with
such grace! like veruca salt said.... "but daddy i want
it now!"
what is your secret?