


penelopie has posted a fun exercise.
it makes you think fast. it also allows
you to understand the blessings that
surround us. so here goes....

1. lunch at urban elements with my buddy tom [he rocks]
2. golden paints and a canvas
3. new doodle pad
4. organizing my desk
5. the bee gees
6. laughing with my kids [patience works]
7. downtime
8. going to watch my brother coach varsity football...go warriors!
9. my own studio space
10. receiving my grandmas jewel dishware

where's your gratitude?


Swirly said...

Gotta love the Bee Gees!!! And Abba!

Raquel Stecher said...

Nice list Kelly. I like number 4. I always feel great after organizing my desk, bedroom, drawers, closet, purse, etc. Makes me feel accomplished somehow!