in carmel. he was taken in yesterday and
today the performed a heart cath on him.
they found blockage and did the good old
balloon treatments.
4 years ago this march - he suffered a massive
heart attack and again found himself at the
care center. there they put in two stints. he
had 98% blockage.
in the last couple of months i confronted him
on his health and told my mom, something
wasn't right. he reassured me he was feeling
great and i told him i didn't believe him. i hope
he listens to me next time. i now feel like his
his best friend retired today and dad was supposed
to be the master of ceremonies at the roast. i fear
he is very down because he had to miss it.
they are two of the best men i know. loyal, faithfilled
and hard working family men.
my blessings are...
...more time with my dad
...seeing easy ed one last time driving through
town in the neal tire truck, sporting a santa hat.
...dedicated siblings
...laughing with steph and casey. i don't know anyone
more dark or demented.
....our family of friends -brother and sisters at heart
the labbes.
blessings ya'll
bless you charles schultz

main street usa....christmas 2006
Charlie Brown: (shouting in desperation) isn't
there anyone out there who can tell me what
Christmas is all about?
Linus Van Pelt: sure, charlie brown, I can tell
you. Lights, please. [a spotlight shines on Linus]
LinusVan Pelt: "and there were in the same
country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping
watch over their flocks by night. and lo, the
angel of the Lord came upon them, and the
glory of the lord shone round about them, and
they were so afraid. and the angel said unto them,
Fear not, for behold, i bring unto you good tidings
of great joy, which shall be to all people. for unto
you this day is born in the city of bethlehem, a
Savior, which is Christ the Lord. and this shall
be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a
manger. and suddenly there was with the angel,
a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God,
and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on
earth peace, good will toward men'". that's what
Christmas is all about, charlie brown.
merry christmas to all and to all a good night!

clancy's idea....

my execution....
what a day! i whipped out wedding stationary
samples, raced them to lafayette so that they
can be carried by the mother to her daughter
in sunny california! another job! and from so
far away, makes me feel rather wordly, ol' chum!
while in rainy gray and gloomy lafayette, i ran
over to the saturn dealership and hopped in
a midnight blue vue and took her for a spin.
loved it - hated the manual transmission.
the saab is manual and i feel like someone
kicked the shit out of me after every long
trip. she drives like a tank, i am ready for
an automatic, not ready for 2k more on the
sticker price. we also drove a caliber and
a jeep compass. caliber was at the top of
my list and compass last. compass is now
at the top, with vue running a close second
could move to first if i can find a automatic
in our price range.
clancy came to me with a vision and together
we got it done. i have been making notepads.
in the last month i have probably popped out
over 65 of them. i sold over 44!
i love that my kids are proud of me and want
to give my goods as gifts.....

laguna beach, california december 2006
california was grand. b and i had a great time
doing nothing much of anything. oh we had
a few moments here and there. visiting jim
and dru on their home turf was fun. walking
the shops and gallerys at laguna beach and
sitting out at las brias watching the sunset
was simply peaceful.
palm trees, twinkle lites and christmas tunes....
driving down the ca-1 seeing all the beaches....
sleeping, sleeping sleeping.....
seeing the grand canyon and all its glory from the plane window....
sitting across the table from this chick on a sunny santa monica day....
[she is as sweet, funny, and kind as i imagined she would be...swoon!]
returning home on a long flight, no food eight hours, really cranky -
finding dad and miz c looking for us in baggage claim, then home.
i am grateful for the trip and b all to myself
- meeting someone i truly admire
- returning home safely
go here to see more of sunny california
jet lag
fun and a lot of down time. pictures and stories
to follow. in the meantime, i need to get some
stationary printed for xmas and catch up
with the kids and sleep.
back home in middle indiana....there's no place like
home, there's no place like home. damn where did
i put those ruby slippers!

tomorrow bryce and i head out to california.
brite and early in the morn. i pulled an all-niter
last nite, just so i could go. christmas orders,
design jobs, laundry. yep, only 2 hours of sleep
in the last 36 hours. iam beat. my muscles tingle
from sleep deprivation. and really last nite
in the quiet of my studio....i could understand
why some people work best in the quiet. but
my body and mind can't run on little sleep.
i am a little nervous about L.A. i am not L.A.
material, but just getting away with b for 5 days
will be worth it, visit bryce's college roomate
and his family in irvine and then [fingers crossed]
wednesday - i am lunching with a chick that i have
admired so. so being surrounded by a bunch of jocks
for 5days [national athletic directors convention]
will be worth it on wednesday.
.....here's to the sun beating down on my face
and warming my soul.
{once in a while it really hits people that they
don't have to experience the world in the way
they have been told to. ~alan keightley}
blessings ya'll
dear james....

{life is a promise, fulfill it....mother teresa}
this morning while watching the national news,
i of course, heard for the first time, that they
had found james kim's body. the ulitmate hero
in his families eyes and in mine. sometimes it
is overwhelming watching the news. we are
constantly given images of celebrities who have
forgotten their panties, athletes who can't behave
themselves and refuse to leave their guns at
home...thank you steven jackson - you make
indiana so proud. and yet on mornings like today,
it hits me of the importance of what is real. dads
who go beyond the norm to save their children.
mom's who take the time to be mom's, not superheros.
people who work to make our world a better place.
advent is a time to give, slow down and relish
the blessings that have been given to our
family. i received an email to day from marilyn
she talked about the need for help in new orleans
and while i visited her blog, i noticed an icon
for darfur awareness....please remember the
those in need during this advent season.
victims of darfur
our troops overseas and their families
the firefighters who are braving the cold
the sick, lonely and hungry
our families who need us to be present
the kim family and other families who have lost
loved ones
children who live daily in abusive environments
victims of katrina and other natural disasters
the ones who volunteer and make it a mission to
make our world a better place.
my blessings are true and many. my familiy, friends
my creative spirit. today my thoughts are with
the kim's and others who need happy thoughts and
wanna join me?
[get together - chet powers]
C'mon people, now smile on your brother,
ev'ry-body get together,
try to love one another right now.
bless my soul *[finished]

{ stretch your mind and fly ~african proverb}
i just finished a really big order and i am
happy. happy that i accomplished it, happy
that i took it on and happy of what i have
learned. i had hoped to have my website
live by this time. i am so close. but i have
been blessed with new design jobs and
holiday orders. and well i am the only
employee in the studio. so the shop will
be opened january one!
the shop will feature paperware, notepads,
some eclectic finds and my artwork as
it comes to me. so please visit and
spread the word.
coming soon....camp indigo soul