I was recently blessed by an email
from miss lisa leonard. she makes
silver baubles and oh are they sweet!

i went with the ever so teeny tiny initials. s.o.u.l. after
my little studio. i figure i can wear this to gallerys, art
festivals and meetings. a simple way to remind people
of my business.

lisa also keeps track of her daily grind here.
she has a beautiful family story...

i don't wear much jewelry. i have 2 favorite
necklaces that i wear daily, my frida and my
superhero. i now have this soulful piece.
on a very impressive note. lisa uses her jewelry
to perform random acts of kindness, i know
this first hand. she also has special sales and
send off the proceeds to special groups. recently
she sent one here...in honor of this family.
please take the time to visit lisa. i have to say this
necklace is so well made, simple and fun. people
noticing it on my neck! because it is GORGEOUS!
now go see lisa!
[in case you forgot...silvery baubles here.]