c'mon and celebrate with the betties....10,000 views!
okay, so here is the what of the what. this week i have been
overwhelmed with so much goodness going on. little random
acts of kindness, proving to me that we still get it, there
there is hope and that i am not alone in this crazy, stress-ball
of a world. so today in celebration of all the help heading
to sister haiti's way, little acts that mean the world and
just because some days we need a little more light than
others. here is my list of 5 superbad-ass things!
1. scrappybetties are celebrating their 10,000 views. their blog
is full of happy. i love hopping over there to see what they are
working on and this week there is a party. so head over, each
day they will post another prompt and the best part is, if you share
the link with your friends and let them know - your name goes
in the fishbowl.....free giveaways! day 1 is send an anonymous
card. i have a list! so i better get busy. go on...i said hop on over
to here.
2. myriam has began her own little push to raise money
for her homeland, haiti. born in the states, as a little girl she
was sent to live with her family in haiti. today, she is showing
up and believing that she can bring them hope and love. i love
that! joy for haiti is an easy way to give back and show a little
love yourself. if you can, please make a donation, size does not
matter here folks. it is simply about taking a little step. together
we can make a huge dent in this. since i made my donation last nite
the amount has grown by $2,000. that just makes me smile.
3. and i can't continue until i give you a little more encouragement
to donate to myriam hope. the most talented kelly rae roberts has
a little opportunity to anyone who does take part in myriam's quest.
head over to her blog to find out what she is up too...calling all hearts.
3. etsy....lots of little shops are supporting haiti. and the best part is
you can find some really fun and unique arts and crafts while you
4. indiefixx has a haiti fundraisor as well. it is all in the bidding on
this one.
5. ....and last, just a little excitement for me. the dali lama will be back
in may. i will be there! this makes me so happy.
now, how can you even feel down today with all this kindness!