it's playtime at studio friday today....i have beenplaying with atc's! this is my maiden voyage.i have to get them sent off to colleen for the trade...yikes!to take a peek inside some other playful studios....check themout here!

this is heather and myself in about 1998.
heathers hair is longer, mine is shorter.
and if she ever wanted to wear that outfit
again i would scream..."what not to wear,
what not to wear!"
we have been pals for a very long time.
since 1998 she has finished law school, had a baby
and passed the bar. i have finished school, fell in love, married bryceand changed jobs 3 times.
we have watched 3 of our kids graduate
high school and her two step kids are now engaged.
she and tom were with bryce and i the night we
got engaged in front the the perry's motel on
the beach [daytona]. they were waiting for us with
a bottle of bad champagne at the sea wall.
we have been known to shop with walkie talkies.
we have shown our tattoos off in the silver dollarsometimes a pez dispenser is referred to when describing
our laugh, blow horns also come to mind.
she can sing a mean coppacabana [watch out manilow]they celebrated our wedding by traveling back to daytonawith us for our honeymoon. [separate rooms of course]i was in the delivery room when she and tom welcomedmatthew paul into our big extended family.i have saved her from heel munching jean seamsshe has saved me from taking myself too seriously.she is a law-yer, i am a designer.she has issues with control, i have issues with balancing
a checkbook.she has to wear professional wear, thank you lord i getto wear jeans and a t-shirt daily.she is a big fat giggle in my life.we lean on each other daily.lucky...
Originally uploaded by indigochickie.
it was sad this past weekend. i have finallyhad to make a very hard decision about whatto do with our pup - gavin leo. we have hadhim for 5 years this february. he came homewith us all the way from atlanta, georgia - hewas only 7 weeks old. he is a yorkie and so adorable. but he was the runt and is a veryhi-strung pup. our house is filled with kids,walkers go past daily and in all honesty, hehas been on sensory overload. he has bit3 people since summer - never breaking theskin thankfully. but bit a friend of mine andleft a bad mark. thankfully i know her well andshe loves animals and was very i had to sit the kids down and tell them thatwe would have to look for a new home for him.2 weeks ago my sister, erin, called to say sheknew a lady who would love to have gavin. sheis a widow and has a 10 year old yorkie, i called and we went over all the details and agreed that she would take him for 7 days to seehow gavin and tucker would get along. i alsomade sure that i explained all his bad habits, so thatshe knew what she was getting into.saturday, i packed up his most prized possessionsand i drove him to brownsburg to meet his newfamily. as heather and i pulled into the drive, wesaw a sign on the door that said "welcome gavin"it even had streamers. as the opened the doorher daugther was video taping gavin's grand my amazement, tucker and gavin look like twins!donna has a yorkie bathroom that is filled with picturesof tucker. i knew that he would be happy there.but i did cry myself to sleep saturday nite. and ithe last two morning i have looked in clancy's roomto see if he is in his usual napping spot, on her bed.its funny how you have such habits.i will take the kids this weekend to say goodbye ifthey choose to keep him. gabe and clancy are sadbut they know we will get a new puppy that is a betterfit with such an active baby gavin, that is what they call him, is at his newhouse and i am amazed at how quiet the house hasbeen. i do miss him and it has been a very hard decision.but such is life and i know he will be much happier withtucker to play with everyday, and a more peaceful environment to live.{give thanks for unknown blessings already on there way}~native american saying

hmmm.....practice makes perfect. oh if onlyi let this be true. wow this is a really hardthing for me. you see, i am one of those peoplewho watch from afar and only wish and dreamthat my life was like someone else's, my artwas as good as others, i was a thin as suchand such. so i tend to sabotage myself beforei even get started. i really do!but i am learning. i laugh at myself alot. takefor instance to self portrait above. i am constantlyusing my digital to get a good shot of myself. i have probably taken over 100 pics of me! i havesaved 5! oh do i laugh at those pictures. oh thefaces i make. do i really look like that? is thathow people see me? ughhh. but i keep art....boy, i really am searching for my style.i have one. but i just have to start puttin g iton canvas. i have tons of sketches, doodles, ideaswritten out. but i am so afraid to produce. you cansee some of my attempts and next to them are mymati prints i just got in the mail! i can't wait to getthem framed and hung. check out her stuff here....they are even better in person! and on my big envelopeshe drew one of her flowers with MY company name -oh so sweet! so i guess what i am saying is - one dayif i practice - maybe i will be the artist that mati is.[*oops the artist that kelly will be!]practice makes perfect [at least that's what mama used to say]

yesterday, i had nothing. butthanks to some very sweet chickies....i sat myself down, wiped away the selfsabotaging thoughts and went to this is just my start, but with thatcame a series that i am going to work on.i would like to get started with maybe5 pieces. i also brought out an old idea for another series. my goal is toenter our art exhibition in the you heard it here people....kellyis going to stop the self loathing, sheis going to stop sabotaging her chancesto get out there and produce -
the girl is born!{if you follow your bliss, doors will openfor you that wouldn't have opened foranyone else ~ joseph campbell}
wow...i am finding it really hardto come up with anything to share.things are busy at home, shufflingkids here and there. finishing upa few jobs and of course, plentyof work around the house. but that is all i have at the moment.i continue to tell myself that i amgoing to start painting again, i havesome ideas for necklaces and braceletsthat i want to try, but i just can't seemto kick it in gear.i do continue to read my daily blogsand i love the inspiration and talent thati find, but just can't seem to apply thatto my creative self. but the week isyoung...we'll see what happens

a bird does not sing because it has an sings because it has a song.
{proverbhappy friday everyone...capture your weekend!
superhero - andrea scher says thatwe need to do inventory to put the pastyear to rest. not just making new resolutions, but understanding what we did the past year.we have to complete and find peace with) what
came before....ughhhh - who wants to drudge upthe past? well if she says we must - then i will!here goes...the good1. resigning my full-time position to freelance from home2. spending more time with my kids3. meeting new creatives through the internet4. paying off all of our debt - the envelope systemworks...thanks dave5. weight watchersthe bad1. lack of organization2. billing/invoicing system3. drinking more water than pop4. exercising 4x a week5. painting/creating morethe ugly1. not getting our vacation2. losing out on a big job - annual report3. still not being able to take art classesthe oh-so happy1. finding a whole slew of creative sistas2. watching cheri grow and enter her 2ndyear of college3. entering my 5th year of marriage4. seeing tom fall in love5. seeing gabe find his spot6. painting my dining room orange7. getting to meet miz penelope andpurchasing her artthe suckie1. my mood swings2. my weight gain3. having to deal with small town mentalityfinding the peace in 2006
1. take 2 art classes2. work on a tighter schedule3. exercise/lose 10lbs4. smile more5. subscribe to 2-3 creative publications6. buy some clothes7. launch my website8. read read read9. crochet something other than a scarf10. save money11. be a better mom/wife12. create create create13. enjoy my artists fridays, artists way, 52 figments14. thank you to michelle, melanie, violetteheather, and raquelle...oh and enid! foropening my eyes and taking me away fromthis small town15. ACCEPT ME! [this is a huge, big, whoopingundertaking for this girl who struggles so, withlow self-esteem. but hell i am 41 i need to startsometime!]sweet theme for 06...the year of accepting me!
once has been forever since
i have posted. i just haven't had the
energy. i have continued to check out
all my favorite sistas, and i have made
a comment here and there. but i
just can't seem to find the energy to
post. most everyone is talking about
resolutions for this new year. me, i
don't have any. i never stick to them.
i have only completed several items on
my 41st list. and they are small things.
i continue to see the sweet projects that
everyone seems to be completing and
i get down, knowing that i am not creative
at the moment. i guess i am just on sensory
yesterday we put away all the decorations -
but when i got up this a.m., i realized i hadn't
taken down the wreath on my front door...teehee
so i will just leave it up a bit longer. cheri' moved
some furniture around in the living room - wow!
what a difference it makes to shuffle it around.
we were lumps after that. we watched hgtv and
uh-ed and ah-ed with all the homes.
so on this new monday morn.....
happy new years to each of you! i wish you and
yours much happiness and prosperity in this
new year. thank you for blessing me in 2005.