

sacred *[ caroline ]

my sacred life - caroline

each morning, i check in on caroline.
she is fighting juvenile myelomonocytic
leukemia. she is now 5 and receiving
her second transplant. the first one
failed. she is now getting a double
cord transplant. i also check in on
the henry tucker family,
evan cousineau
and isabella massa.

they are part of my sacred life.....

-see other sacred lives here-


Jane said...

What an incredible thing to be involved with. I'm so grateful that my 2 kids are healthy. I've been wanting to volunteer for years at the Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. Maybe the time has come to get involved in some of these very worthwhile causes.

liz said...

what a wonderful post kelly--and such a BEAUTIFUL little girl!
liz xx

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for introducing me to these angels! Now I get to check on them too, say prayers for them and their families.

Some of the most sacred moments in my life have been in hospitals playing with and/or holding sick kids. It is heartbreaking and also awe-inspiring because no matter what they are full of LIFE and hope. Anyway, I'm just really grateful for your post.

The Dream said...

You are such a good soul, Kelly.