in part two, andrea asks us to write out intentions for 2008.
twhat we'd want more of in our life, what we want to come
our way and our intent on bringing all of this into our lives
here are my intentions for 2008.....
....walk more use less gas. get a recycling station
for the house. not be so wasteful
....focus on my studio hours, put forth a better effort
to stick to those hours so that i can be present on
weekends evenings and holidays
....to exercise, meditate and read more. sit down and
do creative projects that are fun but not necessary.
this will keep my creative juices flowing rather than
when i am on a deadline and it takes all the fun out of it.
to play more games with my kids, entertain more and
this summer sit out on our deck listening to some
great music and sipping a beer with my feet up.
....here is what andrea says about the final piece of the
"After you list your intentions, let's do the list that is
truly Mondo Beyondo status. What are the things
you are wanting to manifest that are almost too
scary to even write down? The ones that elicit a
gremlin response of "You can't have that!" or "Who are
you to ask for that?" or "Fat chance. That will never
happen. You're not a good enough....(fill in the blank)"
Are you nervous? You should be. This list should be a
bit dangerous. It should make you feel a little shy and
excited.Butterflies abound."
....here is my mondo beyond [holy crap!]
to find a gallery who is interested in hanging my work.
i will find this gallery all by myself, write up the show
guidelines, name it and sell it. [if this is what you have
to do to get it]
to sell more on my website, bringing in new items
on a regular basis, not feeling afraid that it won't
sell or other wont like - because they will like it.
we will take a vacation with out 17 others, someplace
warm and sunny and sand and palm trees
to keep my little clean and organized, so that next year
and tax season i am not scrambling and wanting to cry.
i will learn to meditate so that i can be the person i
know that i am .....peaceful, kind and caring. i will
give up anger and resentment - regardless of what
others think of this. allowing myself to feel content
and not buying into what those around me think makes
us happy - because it doesn't make me happy.
i will buy a old schwinn to toodled around this itty bitty
town and it will have a basket and a bell....because i
have always wanted one and i have never allowed
myself to buy one because bryce thinks it is silly and
would be embarrassed - but that is his dark cloud
not mine.
peace ya'll