five good things.......
1. while in nashville, there was an arts and craft show
in the opryland hotel. i found this as soon as i walked in
to door. martin the dollmaker sat in his booth sketching
and making little clay spiders with wirey legs. he was the
only artist there. the rest was basically flea market vendors.
i have to say - i have never loved the trolls, but this sweet
face scooped a full load from my heart. i need to name her,
so here are my thoughts....
a. mettalise [graceful pearl]
b. nissa [friendly elf]
c. gerta [protection]
d. effie
martin and his wife celena live in denmark. celena is from
the states. they are trying to get their books published with
their freakishly beautiful dolls and illos. please visit their website. the shop will be up soon. their trolls and fairies are gorgeous, unique
and very soulful. the craftmanship is something else. the face and
hands are polymer clay. face is handpainted. simply gorgeous.
polymer clay
2. 5 days of rest and fun with bryce. we really REALLY needed it.
3. christmas around the corner
4. 3 healthy, funny, warped, gorgeous kids
5. my little warm and creative artistic community who always have
time for my silly questions, and wrap their supportive arms around
me as i skip along in my artist path.
a big shout out to liz elayne, who is always present and here for
so many of us....now bring your butt back to middle indiana so
we can meet for a cup of joe!
happy, happy thursday!